Elderflower Granita With Raspberries & Mint

Four tall bottles of elderflower syrup, two short bottles with the homemade version and the excitement in using them all up in new recipes I have formulating in my mind. The sciroppo di fiori di sambuco (elderflower syrup) finally settled in our kitchen as the whole family fell in love with it while we were in South Tyrol.

I always have a bottle of elderflower syrup in my fridge for those cocktail drinks I mix or some recipes that need it to make them a little special. I have always loved elderflower syrup and it was only a couple of weeks ago when the rest of the family discovered how good it is as a thirst quencher and as a beautiful natural drink. How I love mixing a pitcher of it full of ice and setting it in the middle of the table with whooping joy from my son. Soda pops, move aside please!

This sudden awakening to elderflower juice came about when we were having a walk in Renon / Ritten, a town in South Tyrol (which is my next blog post) and we made a pit stop under a shade of a tree where there was a makeshift one-stop mini store of colorful handmade trinkets, little toys, candle jars and a big jug of elderflower juice. All being sold by two young girls. My heart melts when I see kids patiently playing shop with big hopes that every adult that passes will buy something. I used to play that game too when I was young. 

My daughter went shopping while my son, my husband & I drank elderflower juice. I could see the tinkling in the eyes of my son as its wonderful taste made a click within him. As I explained to him how the juice is done and what it is done with, his interest went skyward. On the way back to the hotel, we bought a few bottles of elderflower syrup at the supermarket. There was a lot to choose from, something I never saw in Rome. We were in elderflower country!

Since there is this great love to this flower juice at home, I made something fitting for the very hot days we are going through. Elderflower granita with lemon zest, fresh raspberries & mint is a spectacle to see and taste! 

Buon appetito!

Elderflower Granita With Raspberries & Mint

Serves 4
  • 1 cup elderflower syrup (adjust amount if the granita is too sweet)
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest + more for garnishing
  • Fresh raspberries
  • Fresh mint leaves
    1. Mix the syrup, water & lime zest in bowl.
    2. Transfer to an ice cream maker and churn for about 20 minutes, depending on your ice cream maker. 
    3. If you don't have an ice cream maker, freeze then take out the granita every hour to mix until completely frozen.
    4. When ready to serve, garnish with fresh raspberries, mint & more lemon zest.

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