Scacciuni con Capuliatu & Caciocavallo (Sicilian Bagel with Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Cheese)

There's no way I can translate the title from Sicilian to English so let me explain what it is.  It's a sandwich that is common in some parts of Sicily.  Scacciuni (even I have a hard time remembering it, much lest pronounce it) means pressed bread.  The bread dough was pressed before being cooked in the oven.  Capuliatu are finely chopped or ground sundried tomatoes that is also common in some parts of Sicily.  Caciocavallo (DOP) is an aged cheese that is made from cow's milk.  It is originally from southern Italy, especially Puglia but Sicily also has its own version that is called Caciocavallo Ragusano (DOP) that comes from Ragusa, the sole area where it is produced. 
Just a week away from the virtual world gave me an imbalance in blogging.  Now that I am finally connected again, I am grasping to bring back the momentum I left off a few days ago.    Needless to say, I had been staring at the monitor for ages and nothing is coming out from my over-relaxed brain.   This is one of the symptoms of enjoying your vacation too much.  There's a refusal to reconnect to your reality again. 

I guess I don't have to say that I am presently in Sicily.  We had this spur of the moment desire to jump on a plane to the southern island and take a few days off before summer officially breaks away.   It also gave our kids the opportunity to meet the number of relatives they never met.  

Sicilian cuisine was the first regional food I have tried in Italy and ranks as the first in my palate.   Sicily is hotter than most of Italy so the produce are tastier and sometimes even different from the rest of the country.  
Going around the towns, it is still common to see makeshift markets in mini trucks or vans.  The people converge in the squares late at night and everyone knows everyone.  It's a whole different atmosphere.   Dinner commences very late at around 9 to 10 which takes getting used to after calming down our complaining stomachs that are used to being fed at around 8.   I am now a bonafide granita al limone breakfast eater after thinking and rethinking if my empty stomach can take in such strong and cold food to start the day. 

Now what's the next step?  Go back to Rome and detach myself from the Sicilian way of life.  Sigh.

Scacciuni con Capuliatu & Caciocavallo (Sicilian Bagel with Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Cheese)

Serves 1 
  • 1 scacciuni or bagel 
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided
  • Caciocavallo Ragusano cheese, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons capuliatu or finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes
  • 3 fresh basil, finely chopped 
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

    1. Cut the bagel in half then drizzle the inner part with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. 
    2. Distribute the cheese, sun-dried tomatoes & basil around the bagel.  
    3. Sprinkle the dried oregano then drizzle again with the remaining extra virgin olive oil.

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