Potato & Calamari Salad with Kiwi & Lime
It took me some time to get used to this salad. I usually can't dodge it because it's always a part of the antipasto freddo
(cold appetizer) platter in the restaurants. I love everything but
this one. It is very good, don't get me wrong. What invokes this
refusal is the sight of the chopped tentacles. I really don't find
that inviting. Then it all changed when I was once served this dish
without the tentacles. I was relieved and for the first time, I enjoyed
it because I was spared the job of segregating. And what do you know,
it was actually more than good.
I recreated it at home. This time, I had the option of doing
choice parts. Tentacles went to my husband & the kids while I
got a clean tentacle-free plate of calamari & potato salad.
I tried two ways in preparing this dish. Since I was on unfamiliar
ground, I followed what everyone does in cooking the calamari in this salad. Boiled. I
didn't like the idea of boiled calamari but I went for it because the
conformist in me decided that's that. But then I added a twist of kiwi
& lime instead of the classic lemon. I liked the taste inspite of the crunch of the kiwi seeds
that bothered me a bit. The vitelotte potatoes did not really
complement the dish like how I hoped it would. Still, the yellow or red
potatoes are the best for this salad.
I used red
potatoes on my second try. This time, I grilled the calamari on a
griddle pan. I hit the jackpot! I loved it. Grilling the calamari
took out its delicious flavour. It won me over.

Potato & Calamari Salad with Kiwi & Lime
Serves 4
- 1 kilo potatoes, boiled, peeled & diced
- 600 g. calamari, cleaned
- 1 - 2 stalks of celery, chopped finely (optional)
- 1 kiwi, liquified in a food processor or electric chopper (optional)
- 1 spring onion (optional)
- 1/2 - 1 lime, juice
- extra virgin olive oil
- salt
- parsley, chopped finely
- extra virgin olive oil
- Boil the potatoes in a pot of water until tender.
- Put the calamari in a pot of salted water and boil for 20 minutes until tender. Take them out of the water & chop. Let them cool. Another option would be to grill them on an oven-top griddle. They come out tastier this way. Personally, I prefer the grilled ones. Chop.
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. When squeezing the lime, start with 1/2 of the fruit first then add more if you want the taste to be stronger.
- Drizzle with a fresh round of extra virgin olive oil. Serve cold.