Honeycomb on Toast

I never thought that honeycombs can be eaten.  So, imagine my surprise when I spotted packages of them sandwiched in between dried figs and bottled honey.  I was at the mall and  I happened to pass by a big array of sweet delicacies from all over the country.  They all came straight from small producers so most of them were unmarked just like the honeycombs.  I was wondering if it's a way to show the pureness of the honey and if you squeeze the honey out of the honeycomb.  I was informed that you eat everything along with the honey.   So I bought one favo (honeycomb) knowing that there will be one person at home who would truly enjoy it.

My son loves honey on warm toasted bread for breakfast, snacks and even lunch and dinner if I don't stop him.   It's his bread condiment at the moment.  He went through phases of extra virgin olive oil, then lemon & sugar, Nutella and now it is all about honey.

Whenever I can, I buy the honey produced by the monks, regardless of monastic order.  They are always good.  I also stock up on natural candies that they make themselves.  The kids are crazy about them and it doesn't bother me that they eat a lot because the ingredients are all natural.

I like mixing honey in some drinks & hot tea especially, but on toast, I'll leave that to my kids.  I am a jam person.  I had to try honeycomb though, because I was very curious.  I toasted some bread for everyone and we were all hesitant in eating the casa dell' ape (bee house) as my son put it.  The honey was delicious but you almost don't taste the honeycomb.  I read somewhere that it remains in the mouth after chewing endlessly.  Ours didn't.  I think it was because we ate them with the bread.  It was an interesting breakfast.  Eating honeycomb was an experience.  Honeycomb on toast, anyone?

Honeycomb on Toast

  • honeycomb with honey
  • slices of bread
  1. Toast the bread in a bread toaster.  
  2. As soon as it comes out, cut a piece of the honeycomb with honey and spread on the bread.  
  3. Eat while still warm.

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