Sweet Potato Mash with Cinnamon & Pistachios

I was undecided whether to use my only big sweet potato as a dessert or as a side dish.  As dessert, I have grown up liking it cooked with coconut milk and mixed with other rootcrops or fried and coated with syrup.   This time,  I boiled and mashed it and treated it like a regular mashed potato dish but mixed it with Bronte pistachios and cinnamon, two of my favorite ingredients.

The first thing that came to mind when I tasted it was chestnuts.  I didn't really get to try it as a side dish because when I prepared it, I didn't have any meat to accompany it with.  So my husband and I got a scoop each to try after our pasta.  That trial became a full dessert.  Our reluctance to try paved way to a filling and satisfying experience.  It was my first time to eat sweet potatoes this way and it was my husband's first time to ever try a sweet potato in his life!  It's not typically Italian, so he never encountered it on his plate. 

I will leave you with this pleasant recipe of sweet potato mash.  If you love both cinnamon and pistachios, then join my club.  I enjoyed it and I am guessing that you would too.  Just decide on how you will eat it.  As a side dish or as a dessert. 

Sweet Potato Mash with Cinnamon & Pistachios

Serves 2
  • 400 grams sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • salt 
  • pepper
  • 3 tablespoons ground pistachios
  • 80 grams light cream
  • 15 grams butter 
  1. Boil, steam or roast the potatoes in the microwave with the skin on.  When cooked, take away the skin and mash.
  2. Add the butter, light cream, pistachios, cinnamon, salt & pepper.  
  3. Serve warm.

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