Panino With Sausage, Scamorza, Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Broccoli Rabe

When I see a van selling panini (sandwiches) that is parked within my access, smell the odors of salsicce (sausages) grilling and lunchtime is almost around, I have to stride over and get a sandwich myself amongst the men who usually fill up the place.  There, you are sure to bite into a super panino with salsiccia and broccoli rabe or whatever trimmings you want them to put.  All I can say is that the sandwiches are usually very good. 

I like putting together these ingredients for a panino.  It's my favorite and I never get tired of eating it.  When I make these for lunch, it's party time for the kids. Oh, how they love these too! They're very filling and so delicious with all these flavors complementing each other with every single bite.  

 I hope you're all having a good Palm Sunday!   

Buona Domenica delle Palme!

Panino with Sausage, Broccoli Rabe, Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Smoked Scamorza


Makes 1 sandwich

  • 1 slice of smoked scamorza (or any other cheese you prefer)
  • 3 sun-dried tomatoes preserved in oil (drained)
  • Sautéed broccoli rabe (extra virgin olive oil, 1 chili, 2 anchovies, salt & pepper)
  • 1 sausage
  • 1 ciabatta (or any bread roll)

  1. Over medium heat in a saucepan with extra virgin olive oil, sauté the chili and anchovies.  When the anchovies have melted, add the broccoli rabe.  Sauté for about 10 minutes then season with salt & pepper.  Set aside.
  2. Slice open the sausage in the middle lengthwise and grill on a hot griddle or saucepan without oil.  Brown both sides.
  3. Slice the ciabatta in the middle.  Fill up with the broccoli rabe, sausage, sun-dried tomatoes and scamorza.
  4. Serve warm.

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