Veal and Mushroom Marsala

Something meaty and mushroomy had been occupying my mind.  You know, that kind of savory meat dish filled with button mushrooms with brown sauce.  Buonissimo!  When I was growing up, I remember being so fond of savory meat dishes with button mushrooms flavored with soy sauce with a tinge of calamondin lemons.  For a picky kid I was, it was one meal that wins me all the time. 

I could have revived that old childhood favorite but this time, I replaced that iconic Asian condiment to a Sicilian icon instead.  Marsala wine.  Let my son be happy this time.  He is head-over-heels in love with this wine when I use it in cooking.  He knows the smell from far away and he comes running to me in the kitchen when he realizes that I am cooking with it.  His unbeatable favorite and also the whole family's is my Lemony Chicken Marsala but I like giving him other dishes using the wine for a change.  I put Marsala everywhere especially in desserts because I love its taste.  It's particularly good. 

And before I close this, let me greet all the wonderful fathers today. Today, Italy celebrates the day of San Giuseppe (St. Joseph), the father of Jesus and for that, it is Father's Day here.  It is also celebrated as the Onomastico (Name Day) of people named Giuseppe (Joseph). 

Now let me leave you with this simple recipe using Marsala wine.  Buon appetito!

Veal and Mushrooms With Marsala

Serves 6

  • 6 thin slices of veal (about 100 grams each)
  • 500 grams champignon mushrooms
  • 1 cup Marsala wine (dry or semi-dry)
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 30 grams butter
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • flour for coating the meat
  • salt & pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil

  1. Cover the veal with flour on both sides.  Shake off the excess.
  2. Over medium heat in a wide saucepan with extra virgin olive oil, brown both sides of the veal with extra virgin olive oil.  Don't overcrowd the pan.  Cook them by batches.
  3. When brown, transfer to a plate with kitchen paper towels to absorb excess oil. 
  4. In another saucepan over medium heat, put some extra virgin olive oil and butter. 
  5. Add the garlic and about a teaspoon of minced parsley.
  6. As soon as the garlic changes color, add the mushrooms and put up fire to medium – high. 
  7. Sautè for 5 minutes, tossing frequently so that they don’t burn.  Season with salt & pepper.  Put down the fire.
  8. Push all the mushrooms to one side of the pan then add the veal to the empty side. 
  9. Add the Marsala and put up the fire again.  Let the alcohol evaporate.
  10. Adjust salt & pepper.  Sprinkle the remaining parsley.

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