Lemon Leaf-Wrapped Meatballs

I've seen my husband revive ailing plants and trees in our garden more than once.  He nurses them back to good health with a lot of attention and they in turn bounce back to life with more fruit to give.  In our garden, I take care of the flowering plants and herbs while he takes care of the trees.  Most of our fruit trees are untouchable.  Translation?  The wife cannot snip off leaves or flowers that will soon become good fruit.  If I need lemon leaves, it's a long negotiation.  Imagine my distress when I made these meatballs and I needed 20 leaves to wrap each meatball.  I didn't tell him because he was in the office anyway.  But dinner had to be served, all wrapped up with lemon leaves.  His lemon leaves.  All 20 of them.  He was not so happy about that but at least he liked what he was eating.  I think he sneaked out to check his lemon tree after dinner just to be sure that it's still ok.  

Meatballs with a hint of lemon gives a nice surprise to the palate.  I sometimes wrap food with lemon leaves like these Clementine Soaked Shrimp Rolled in Lemon Leaves.  What I like about wrapping food with them is that they give a very light lemon flavor to the food and they trap the humidity of the food inside making them tender.  If you've tried all kinds of meatball recipes like me, this is worth a try too.  Click on this link to take you to my recipe at She Knows. 

I also develop recipes for SheKnows.com and the recipes I submit to them can be accessed from their site.  I thought of sharing the sneak peek here then direct you to the recipe with a link. You can find a list of my other recipes in their site by clicking on this link.

Enjoy your week!

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