Chickpeas, Pepper and Chorizo Side Dish

I arrived late last night at Roma Termini after a train trip from Turin in the middle of a big chaos in the city after Lazio won over Roma in the calcio (football) finals of the  Coppa Italia TIM Cup.  I am not a football fan, not even my husband.  The supporters who were celebrating in the streets with the police presence just hindered the possibility of a nice family welcome I had been hoping for after being gone for days.  So after getting off the train, I dragged my tired self with my luggage weighing like an elephant to the platform of yet another train I had to take to go home.  My husband, who, on the other hand, got stuck in the traffic, made the car fly towards the airport where my second train will arrive.  And all this time, both my kids were howling of fear because they couldn't understand what all the mess, rushing and my extended absence meant.  The thin thread of surrealism welcomed me back.  Welcome home!
I am so far behind my posts and I am facing a mountain of papers to sort and write about at the moment.  If you had been following me in Facebook and Instagram, you would understand why.  I had been away on an intense Food & Wine Press Tour in Piedmont and Liguria since Wednesday.   I am trying to orient myself to reality again to Mommy work, house work and blogging.  Let me start with this first one as I am also way behind in sharing my recipes from She Knows.

This is a beautiful side dish created from simple ingredients with the chorizo dominating everything.  And it reminds me of the wonderful tapas dishes I had in Spain.  I hope you enjoy it.  The recipe is located at so you will have to click on this link to see it.  If you want to see the list of recipes I created for them, please click on this link too.  

Thank you and have a wonderful week! 

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