Pepper Rolls With Robiola and Smoked Paprika and The City of Turin

The redness of these peppers mixed with the colors of the chives and the robiola remind me of the Italian flag.  Red, white and green are actually my favorite colors to put together in a dish.  They depict freshness of the ingredients and they have the power to convince you to take a bite.  Just like these pepper rolls.  It's a very easy recipe that I would like to share with you.  The only thing that takes time is grilling the peppers but if you use the pre-cooked bottled ones, then it's really easy like ABC.  Go straight to the end if you want to go straight to the recipe and if you are curious about Turin, you can scroll down and see the city through my lens today.

Relax.  Take a break. Enjoy your trip.  I've been constantly reminded to leave behind the thoughts that are muffling my mind in Rome and just relax.  The Piedmont - Ligurian Enogastronomic Tour starts tomorrow in Alba but I decided to leave a day early and get off the train in Turin to explore the city. 

Top: Piazza San Carlo    Bottom: Piazetta Reale
After a quick look at the city map, I buried it under the mess of my bag and stepped outside the hotel.  I just had to walk straight from where I was and wander in the streets the whole afternoon.  I didn't have to attend to my family today and there were no household chores to think about.  To get lost in the maze of a big city was calling out to me. It's been years since I last did it.  In Venice, I folded my map, walked and walked the whole day until I really got lost and almost didn't make it to my train.  Fortunately, it didn't happen this time.

Both pictures: Church of Santa Cristina
Turin is the capital of the Piedmont region.  It's a big city with big baroque, rococo, neo-classical and art nouveau architecture.  Most of the important buildings, gardens, squares and castles were built between 16th to 18th century after the capital of the Duchy of Savoy was moved there from Chambery, France.

Top: The equestrian statue of Emanuele Filiberto in Piazza San Carlo   Bottom: Palazzo Carignano
Following Via Roma from the Porta Nuova Train Station, there are a lot of shops then it opens to a big square called Piazza San Carlo where the Church o Santa Cristina and Church of San Carlo are flanked on both sides of one end of the square.  In the middle of the big square is the equestrian statue of Emanuele Filiberto.  The important cafes in the square are Caffè San Carlo, Caffè Torino and Neuv Caval d' Brons.

Caffè San Carlo
From top to bottom: Palazzo Reale
Walking further straight along Via Roma, the Museo Egizio and the Teatro Carignano are located on the right.  Then the road opens again to another square called Piazzetta Reale with ground fountains in the middle and Palazzo Madama on the right.  Right at the end of the square is the Palazzo Reale.  
Top: Piazzetta Reale from Palazzo Reale   Middle: Palazzo Madama  Bottom: Big group of city bikers
Going back, on the left side of the square, along Via Po, there is another long stretch of road with a lot of shops that end at a large square called Piazza Vittorio Veneto then the River Po.  On the right is the Murazzi and across the bridge called Ponte Vittorio Emanuele I is the Gran Madre di Dio.  

Top: Gran Madre di Dio   Bottom: I Murazzi of Po River
That about wraps up my route this afternoon.  The weather had not been cooperative with gray skies and a constant light drizzle.  I should still try to see Mole Antonelliana and Castello del Valentino tomorrow if the weather permits. 

Turin is a big city of history, art and culture and it had been an afternoon well-spent getting lost in the streets and appreciating the architecture.  Tomorrow, the Food & Wine Tour of Piedmont - Liguria will start and I am moving to Alba with other food and travel bloggers and journalists.  With the tight schedule we have, I don't think I will be able to post anything in these days but I will definitely share some pictures in Facebook.  

Have a great week and I hope you enjoyed this post.


Pepper Rolls With Robiola and Smoked Paprika

Makes 8 (depending on the size of the rolls)
  • 100 g. robiola (you can replace with other similar cheese like cream cheese)
  • 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
  • 2 peppers, grilled (you can use the bottled ones)
  • 8 long chives 
  • 1/2 teaspoon chives, minced
  1. In a bowl, mix the robiola, smoked paprika and sesame seeds.
  2. Grill the peppers on a griddle.  When the skin is charred, put them in a ziplock for a while until you see that the skin is easy to peel off.  Take away the seeds and slice them to uniform rectangular sizes.
  3. If using the bottled ones, just slice them to uniform rectangular shapes.
  4. Lay the pepper flat on a plate.
  5. Spread some robiola filling.
  6. Roll the pepper and close by tying a long chive around it.
  7. Garnish with sesame seeds and the minced chives.

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