Mango Ice Candy: Philippine Ice Pop

Summers in my childhood would not pass without an ice candy in hand, one after the other, until my mouth freezes and speaking becomes a task with numb lips. An ice candy is a simple mixture of fruits or chocolates with water, sugar and sometimes milk. The ice candies in our house never had milk because of my aversion to it so adding milk is really a preference. The important thing is that you enjoy the flavor and what you put in it. My favorite flavors were mango and coconut using fresh coconut juice & pulp straight from our trees. I was also guilty of making some Coca Cola versions. Tsk! Tsk!

Ice candies are so simple to make but acquiring the thin long bags used to make them is close to impossible if you live outside the Philippines. When I went there last June, I got myself some to take back with me to Italy. I also brought with me some packed mango pulp to make the taste more genuine with the Philippine mangoes. Mango ice candies were on my mind

You can actually use any fruit that you want and I am planning to do just that as soon as I finish the batch of mangoes in my freezer. I'm thinking peach, lemon or strawberry. It should be fun for the kids to try out these new flavors! With the temperature going up this weekend, these ice candies can help refresh us to go through the hot days that the country is bracing for. I hope the summer heat in your part is more bearable! 


Mango Ice Candy: Philippine Ice Pop

Makes 12 ice candies
  • 500 g. mango pulp
  • 1-1/2 liters water
  • 1 tablespoon cream of tartar (Optional. This is to make the ice candies creamier.)
  • sugar (according to taste)
  • 12 ice candy bags (can be bought in Amazon)

  1. In a blender, mix the mango pulp, water, sugar and the cream of tartar.  
  2. With the help of a funnel, fill up ice candy bags with the mixture. Tie a knot at the end.
  3. Freeze overnight.

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