Avocado, Chocolate & Almond Trifle

We had a big avocado tree growing in our backyard along with other backyard fruit trees when I was young. No one really thought much about it. We just referred to is as the big tree at the back of the house because it never bore fruit. No one had any idea that it was an avocado tree until finally after so many years, we saw life sprouting out from one of its branches. Then another one and another. The fruit ripened and they went immediately to the kitchen to be mashed, mixed with milk & sugar then refrigerated just like how we always enjoy eating our avocados.

This trifle is similar to that one, only I mixed it with almond milk then layered it with chocolate & almonds. When chilled, it's a winner! It's simple to prepare and it's a good idea to make in advance when you are expecting guests. I love the layers, the colors and the flavors. 

Please click on this link to take you this recipe that I created for SheKnows.com. If you want to see the recipes I created for them and my profile, please click on this link

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

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