Mozzarella, Salmon & Arugula Appetizer

The heat of the summer here is intensifying that at times, I feel like putting a yellow ribbon to close off my kitchen for the rest of the season. I prepare our meals that require minimal cooking or better when they don't need cooking at all! So for now, insalate (salads) and panini (sandwiches) are the main ones coming from my kitchen. 

This recipe is a super quick & easy one to fill up those days when you don't want to add anymore heat in the kitchen but still need to come up with something edible for yourself and your family. It's also flexible because with an individual portion, you can serve it as an appetizer or a bigger one as a main meal.  You will love the combined clean flavors of smoked salmon, mozzarella & arugula. Enjoy!

I created this recipe for She Knows where I spend some of my time writing. If you want to see my profile page there where you can see the list of recipes I did, please hop on over! Have a great day!

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