Red Wine Chicken With Mushrooms

Chicken is important in my house. It's the only kind of meat that I cook where I don't hear any complaints from anyone. As long as there is white meat for one side of the family and red meat for the other half. I'm in the red section along with my son while the white duo are my husband and daughter. You see, we really are divided with our tastes.

Since chicken is my key to appease everyone's appetites, I am always in need of new recipes to wow them, both sides, white and red. Sometimes, there are recipes that are perfect for red meat and sometimes for the white. I often cook white for the sake of serving healthy food but well, I also love to enjoy the unhealthier side, yes, the red and sometimes, to make the health nuts feel even more uneasy, the skin too. Oops, did I just say that?

Now what do I have in this post? This chicken dish is incredibly tasty! I cooked it for about two hours with a full-bodied red wine and added some mushrooms, pancetta and fresh herbs that I picked from the garden. It's a wintery dish that you can enjoy with potatoes, polenta, rice, barley (like how I served it) or whatever you think can go well with it. I am just sure that if you are a chicken lover, white or red meat, you will love these fantastic flavors combined together in one dish!

The recipe can be accessed at She Knows where you can see me frequently. If you are curious about the other recipes that I have there, click on this link to see my profile page. 

Thanks and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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