Baked Potato Roll-Ups With Brie and Pancetta

Perhaps two of the best things to combine with potatoes are cheese and pancetta (or bacon). In my mind they are! I love eating the warm softened potatoes with gooey melted cheese and toasted pancetta. It's absolutely divine! And one great thing about it is that there's a plethora of ways to put them together. I have a few of these potatoes-cheese-pancetta recipes in this blog too, all done in diverse ways. 

When I was making this, I was quite amused with the idea. I had been twisting my mind on how to create a potato-cheese-pancetta dish without going for the fully-exhausted ideas that we often see around. It had been difficult coming up with new ways but then this thought struck me. Cannelloni! They're like cannelloni done vertically and filled up with a little bit of cheese and pancetta. I didn't fill them all up to the rim on purpose because then, they would come out too cheesy and heavy. When they are half-filled, they're easier to digest and more enjoyable.  

I always create recipes that are for people who are in a hurry like you and me, healthy (but without forgetting to have a little bit of fun sometimes!) and simple. This is a super simple dish but there is a tricky part that can test your patience. Those rolled-up potatoes don't behave so well in staying in their places. Some tend to open up while you are still rolling up the potatoes to put in their places in the dish. Solution? I got a small drinking glass to put inside the baking dish to stop the potatoes from moving then I removed the glass when the space was becoming tighter.

If you are interested in this potato roll-ups recipe, hop on over to She Knows and get it. If you are one of those potatoes-cheese-pancetta (or bacon) lovers like me, then you have to try this one. I assure you, it's delicious! You can also see my profile page in this link where I have shared other recipes too.  
Thanks and buon appetito!

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