Frozen Yogurt with Fresh Fruit Salad and Mint

Well, it's summer in the calendar but I am still waiting, like the rest of the country, for the real summer to arrive as I write this. It is already the first of August and the weather has been abnormally rainy and cold. It's beach season, you know, flip-flops, shorts, sweat (well, it's a part of the heat), ice cold drinks, gelato, air conditioners, oh just anything pertaining to summer! I've been out on holiday three times already and those three times, my family and I spent a fraction of our time buying clothes that can cover us more, shivering dog included.

But shivers or not, nothing can stop me from having a big bowl of macedonia or fresh fruit salad with frozen yogurt (or gelato at times) with some scattered leaves of fresh mint from my dependable pots of mint plants. While enjoying summer or waiting for it to arrive, a fresh and nutritious dessert like this is a must to have after a good meal, or sometimes even for an afternoon break. Our choice of fruits can vary but nothing can change amount of vitamins and minerals that we get from them. Eating them with frozen yogurt assures us of lower calories.

This Frozen Yogurt with Fresh Fruit Salad and Mint recipe is quite easy to prepare because you just put the ingredients together but just the same, you can find it at Skinny Ms., a site dedicated to healthy living where I am currently creating recipes. Check out their site and see for yourself how they can help you in guiding how to live with a healthier choice in living and eating. Have a wonderful day!

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