Warm Espresso-Chocolate Sauce on Homemade Vanilla Gelato

Now that summer has finally drawn to a conclusion, my gelato fixes have also diminished. But hey, I will never stop eating them even in the cold months. We never stop eating them anyway at home. In my house, if the kids cannot find gelato, they start acting like it's the end of everything. If only they knew that before they were born, all the gelaterie (gelato shops) close in winter and the commercial gelato production stops too. Because of the current changes in demand, it is now normal to see them open even in winter and there is also a continued supply in of commercial gelato in the supermarkets. So nowadays, it's ok to have a gelato craving when the temperature is below zero. You are covered.

Since I have my own gelato maker at home, I can easily whip up something anyway. I don't make gelato often, only when I have certain flavors that I want to make that I cannot find anywhere. After all, the gelato in every corner here are excellent. Vanilla is hard to find in my part but in Alto Adige, they are everywhere so I indulge there when I am in the area. For plain whites, the choices are always panna (cream) and fior di latte (literally translated to flower of milk but it actually means the best part of the milk). Since I am not fond of cream nor milk, I don't use them but  don't let me stop you there because they can go pretty well with the espresso-chocolate sauce. 

Since vanilla flavor is like looking for a needle in a haystack here, I make my own using vanilla seeds. It's actually easy to make and vanilla gelato goes with a lot of other desserts. I like using different kinds of toppings especially fruit compotes. With this dessert, I diverted to a richer and stronger topping that's wonderful for the cold days ahead. Does warm espresso-chocolate sauce sound good?

You can find the Warm Espresso-Chocolate Sauce on Homemade Vanilla Gelato recipes (there are separate recipes for both the sauce and the gelato) at She Knows. I have other recipes in She Knows that you might find interesting. Check them out at my Profile Page there. It's another weekend, have fun!

More Homemade Gelato Recipes:

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