Spaghetti with Seafood Ragù

Time has passed so fast. When you are attending to a lot of things, you just don't notice that the clock is ticking. When I looked at the date of my last entry, the gap of the dates hit me. I should start getting back to the old rhythm of writing even if my mind keeps on resisting. It's hard to do mental work when the brain is clouded with thoughts and sadness. Ideas don't come flowing like they should and I have been trying but to no avail. I just end up blank, staring at the screen for days.

When beautiful things end, you stop and ponder. I started cooking not because I had the natural talent to do so as soon as I picked my first wooden spoon and saucepan. It took me time to discover the art of cooking and to love it. There is only one person who made that magic happen when I arrived in Italy fifteen years ago (how time flies really). And I spoke about her sometimes in my posts and this time, maybe it will be the last as we also bid her goodbye for the last time before we laid her to rest a few days ago. My mother-in-law had been a great inspiration and teacher in the kitchen and I give her credit for all the fundamentals that I know in maneuvering my way in the heart of the house because that is where beautiful things are created and that is where the family converges everyday. Because Sicilian mothers are steadfast in keeping family traditions in the kitchen and putting all their love in cooking for their kids, always for their kids (and grandchildren), the food gains a special touch that no chef's work can ever compare to. That is something that makes her dishes special and we will miss them all.

But let's speak about this Spaghetti with Seafood Ragù. It's one of the family's big favorites and I can remember the big eyes of my kids as soon as they tasted it the first time. Big eyes indicate yes, it's delicious! I created this recipe the first time out of fish leftovers I had when I made a seafood dish. I recooked it with other ingredients and it just blew us all away. It was very good. In succeeding times, I used fresh fish too. Whether you have leftovers or fresh ones, the ragù comes out the same. Absolutely delicious!

Get the Spaghetti with Seafood Ragù recipe at She Knows, where I frequently write and tell me if you enjoyed it or not. If you like this recipe, check out the others I made at the Profile Page. Enjoy your Sunday!

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