Chickpea, Arugula and Onion Salad

Ho-hum. My legs are buckling, my back is tired and I can't wait for the day to end. There are moments when I feel like this after getting lost in the endless tunnel of household chores and work. When I am alone at home, I look for the quickest way to eat and restrain myself from grabbing a pack of chips (if there is one lying around) before I plop myself down on the couch. In moments like these, I just feel like taking all the shortcuts I can in preparing my meals but without sacrificing the nutrients from the food. That's the time when I search through my cupboards for something quick and easy to prepare. We all have our mainstays in the pantry shelves and in my realm, I always have cans of tuna, corn, tomato puree, beans and chickpeas. So for this dish, I grabbed a can of chickpeas, drained them and poured them on my plate.

Not everyone likes the flavor of chickpeas. I do and I often use it in my cooking, usually with meat stews accompanied with chorizo or just plain salads like this Chickpea, Arugula and Onion Salad. Simplicity and easiness in making this dish is what makes it special because you just need to add some sliced onions and a few leaves of arugula, which I gathered from our garden because they grow wild there. They taste much stronger than the cultivated ones and for that reason, I am able to put just a few leaves in the salad. If you are using the arugula with milder tones, add as much as you can.

Enjoy my Chickpea, Arugula and Onion Salad recipe which you can get at She Knows. Check out my Profile Page and see the other recipes I have there. 
More Quick and Easy Salad Recipes:
Asian Mango, Cucumber and Spring Onion Salad with Fish Sauce 
Zucchini Ribbon Salad with Pine Nuts and Parmesan Shavings  

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