3 Impressive Cocktail Glass Party Appetizers

What constitutes an awesome party? Heaps of great food and alcohol (if the guests are more than 18) and wonderful people. I have always loved giving parties ever since I was young, I mean really young. When I was given the green light to drink (I started earlier than 18), I spent the birthday money I received from my parents in giving parties instead of buying something material for my birthday. Sometimes, a little bit still remains that I get to buy a nice shirt or something. My Mom would always try to convince me to go for something I really wanted like clothes or electronics which I also love but parties win on my priorities hands down.

Birthdays happen only once a year and we have every reason to celebrate it. That's what I always to myself and celebrating it is always beautiful in the company of the people who are important to you. Isn't it? But this post is not about birthdays. It is about parties and the perfect food to serve when the equally perfect guests are coming to stay with you. Now that Christmas and New Year are just a few days away, Ho! Ho! Ho!, it's time for those fun parties to take place! In your place? Don't worry because I have 3 Fun and Easy Cocktail Glass Party Appetizer recipes to share with you.

Grilled Shrimp on Papaya with Curry 

These shrimp were meant to be partnered with another fruit but it is already off-season so when I scanned my third fruit shop, I finally gave up and looked for other options. The papaya, since it is an imported tropical fruit, doesn't have any season here. It is always dependably present in the fruit section. With curry, it is a great match so after the wasted time, effort and fuel in running around town looking for the wrong fruit, I got a papaya that I knew would go perfectly well with this recipe. And papaya, curry, lime, sesame seeds and shrimp they are in this appetizer. It's a dive into this lovely appetizer with exotic flavors. Treat yourself and your guests with this surprising combination of big flavors.

Yields 4

  • 1-1/2 cups papaya, peeled, seeded and cubed
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon yellow curry powder
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 big or 8 medium shrimp, deveined and shelled
  • Almond oil (or any other oil)
  • Sesame seeds, toasted
  • Fresh parsley
1. Using an immersion or stick blender, blend together the papaya, curry powder, lime juice, salt and pepper. Adjust the taste, if you desire, and then set aside.
2. On a griddle over medium heat, grill the shrimp until cooked through.
3. To serve, put some papaya cream into a cocktail glass.
4. Top with a shrimp, drizzle with the almond oil, and then sprinkle on the sesame seeds and parsley.

Smoked Salmon on Piquant Guacamole

I can't survive a month without buying a pack of smoked salmon or a big fresh salmon fillet to feed my family. As much as I avoided it when I was young, I am making up for its absence in my diet now that I am living in Italy. The only fresh salmon dish I grew up with was steamed and covered with mayo because I think it was the only salmon recipe that my Mom or anyone in the house knew. It was my least favorite dish of all times (until now) and I just couldn't eat it. Now why didn't my Mom just put it on a hot griddle and cook it there?

Having a pack of smoked salmon in the fridge is always helpful. The whole family eats it without any complaints so it's one of the staples that I like to stock up on. When there is nothing to cook, it is just easy to pull it out and create a salad.

If there is a fruit that I love mixing with savory flavors, it has got to be avocado. Mashed, with lime, onions and to add a slight sting, some chili, I have to say that with smoked salmon, it's like a match made in perfect harmony. Among these 3 appetizers, I think this is the tastiest.

Yields 4
  • 1 large avocado, peeled
  • 1/2 lime, zest and juice
  • 1/2 medium onion, minced
  • 1/2-1 chili, seeded and minced
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 slices smoked salmon
  • Chives, finely chopped
1. In a bowl, mix together the avocado, lime zest, juice, onion (set aside some for garnish), salt, pepper and chili. Mash the avocado while mixing.
2. In a glass, put the guacamole, and then top with the salmon.
3. Sprinkle with the remaining onion and chives.

Grilled Shrimp & Toasted Bacon on Lentil Cream

Mung beans or sometimes lentils cooked with little shrimp broke my vegetable-free kiddie diet when I was young. I avoided vegetables like plague (what a nightmare I was!) but the lentil and shrimp dish changes all that. For some strange reason, it is even one of my favorite dishes. Reminiscent to that, I created this appetizer. I also added toasted pancetta or bacon because sometimes, I mix the lentils with them and like the one with the shrimp, I love it too.

When flavor is the one you are after, this has the most robust combination among the three. Lentils, bacon and shrimp all have delicious flavors of their own and when teamed together, they create a good little appetizer to start a meal right or to eat along with a good glass of cocktail.

Yields 4
  • 1/2 cup lentils
  • 1/2 medium onion, minced
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1 fresh bay leaf, torn (optional)
  • 1-1/2 cups water
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 big or 8 medium shrimp, shelled and deveined
  • 2 ounces bacon, diced
  • Fresh parsley
1. To a small saucepan over medium heat, add the lentils, garlic, onions, bay leaf, water, salt and pepper. Let the mixture boil, and then simmer for 20 minutes or until tender.
2. When the lentils are cooked, separate the liquid, and set it aside in another bowl.
3. Using an immersion or stick blender, blend the lentils with about 1/4 cup of the liquid, and then mix well. You can add more liquid if the cream is too thick. Adjust the salt if needed.
4. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, mix, and then set aside.
5. On a griddle over medium heat, grill the shrimp until cooked through. Set aside.
6. Meanwhile, in a dry, small saucepan over medium heat, fry the bacon.
7. In a glass, put the lentil cream. Top with a shrimp, some bacon and parsley.
8. Drizzle the remaining olive oil on top.

All 3 Cocktail Glass Party Appetizers are pretty awesome ideas to have on the coming parties that you have.
One batch of appetizer can go to a number of little cocktail glasses to serve in. Not only do they look great, they are delicious too.You won't be disappointed, I promise you. I created all three for She Knows where you can also get the recipes in one article. Check out my Profile Page there if you would like to see my other recipes. Enjoy your weekend!

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