Protein Quinoa Pancakes

Let there be breakfasts like this! Always and always, to wake me up immediately. I swear, I won't be needing that snooze button to prolong my stay in bed and shake off the sleepy cobwebs hanging on my head. Because I write at night and anyway I have always been a night person, I have a terrible time waking up in the morning. No matter where I am, my internal time zone will always be inverted. So here I am, a big lover of breakfasts but not really a morning person. I know they don't go together but if I have a delicious breakfast waiting for me, I can even wake up ahead of the alarm clock!

Because my kids grew up with croissant-toast-breakfasts, they find it very strange that I eat and make them eat (Oh what are you making us eat Mom?) pancakes or savory breakfasts for that matter. For that I reserve the savory breakfasts for brunches in weekends but pancakes? They still haven't gotten around to actually putting them in their mouths and enjoy them. They do poke them with their forks and that is already a start but I am not giving up because I think they are missing such a wonderful part of breakfast. I love pancakes and I find it strange that my two little ones don't eat them.

What makes these pancakes protein rich? Because I used quinoa as the main ingredient in making them and with the addition of eggs and yogurt, the protein content comes out higher than regular pancakes. Quinoa, as we all know is a highly nutritious pseudo-cereal which is specifically high in protein. So if you want to pump yourself up with a good amount of natural protein, then these pancakes are your best option. Top them with bananas, berries or whatever fruit you want and drizzle simply with maple syrup. It will start to resemble an alarm clock just like it did with me. 

I made this Protein Quinoa Pancake recipe for Skinny Ms., a site dedicated to healthy living. I hope you'll like it!

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