Slow Cooker Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs

There's the kid in me that gets very excited when meatballs are for dinner. All kids love them don't they? And that continues on until adulthood. Love for meatballs doesn't have barriers or limits and there even so many different kinds to enjoy. Ideas are also becoming more creative and nowadays we can find some that are adapted to most diet needs like these mouthwatering meatballs cooked in tomato sauce and with melted mozzarella cheese in the middle. Did I just get your attention? Since tomorrow spring officially starts, I would like to share this meatball recipe before you stash away your slow cooker. And to be honest, I think I still have a few slow cooker recipes to share.

I cook different kinds of meatballs but the most requested from my kids (you know how limited they are about what they eat), is and will always be the Polpettine al Sugo (Meatballs in Tomato Sauce), an Italian classic that their nonna used to make. It is also my husband's and my favorite so it has a special place on our table. But since I made this recipe for Skinny Ms., which is all about healthy eating, I had to modify things a bit to make it healthier, like no pork for instance. When I make meatballs or ragù, I always mix 50% ground pork and ground veal or beef. To lighten things up a bit, I used instead 100% ground turkey and whole grain bread to mix it with then whole wheat flour to coat them. It's one step forward to healthier eating. 

There is a prep of cooking in the saucepan before leaving everything in slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients but you will definitely love what will come out from your slow cooker after 6 hours of cooking. It tastes almost the same as my non-slow cooker recipe with different kinds of meat. So get this Slow Cooker Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs recipe now at Skinny Ms. and try this one before you let go of your slow cooker. I hope you'll enjoy it!

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