Cilantro-Lime Grilled Sweet Potatoes

I still remember when I made this in the Philippines and I was in our beach house with my family and my siblings' families. I usually cook alone in Italy with the news channel chattering at the background as the only sound in the house (unless the kids are at home). It was a beautiful change to have friendly company and helping hands from others while we moved around the small kitchen and dining area in our beach clothes. Even if this recipe is super simple and easy, extra hands made it more special and perhaps even more delicious because for me, memories count too as a special extra ingredient.

A mixture of lime, cilantro, coconut palm sugar, salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil make a good coating for the sweet potatoes after they are grilled. While the food is hot, they tend to absorb better the sauce that you coat them with. It may be easier to cook them on a griddle like how I often do at home but if you get the chance to grill them on coals, go for it because they get the smoky taste that you can't get from the griddle. The smoky flavor goes so well with the dressing. On that day, the plate got passed around so fast that it never reached lunch time when it was supposed to be a side dish to the seafood that we were grilling. Needless to say, everyone loved it. This is a recipe to keep for those barbecue weekends that you have in mind. It's easy, simple, delicious and healthy - just perfect for a main course of grilled seafood. 

I created this Cilantro-Lime Grilled Sweet Potatoes recipe for Skinny Ms., a site about healthy living that has healthy recipes and tips in keeping fit. I hope you enjoy your week!

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