Roasted Whole Chicken with Oranges, Fennel and Olives

Sunday is the only day of the week when we can be lazy and be allowed to stay much longer in bed (dog included). After a very late night of staying up with friends over a great dinner and getting home at almost 2 in the morning, we were all groggy with sleepiness. Only our dog had the energy to jump around as if we didn't see each other for years when we actually just separated for a few hours. But dogs are done that way. Loyal, perennially happy and just beaming with love for his family. We love you to the moon and back too little one.

Because it was a family day and we were sharing quality time together, a delicious rustic family lunch was in order. All of us woke up rather late yesterday morning and we started a slow day fixing odd things at home that needed attention for the last one hundred years. We can be too occupied and busy with too many things sometimes that we never get to have the time for ourselves and our families on Sundays anymore. I miss those days.

I like to celebrate these kinds of Sundays with home cooked food that I know the kids will love. Preparation is very simple because I just need to put all the ingredients together in a baking pan then roast the chicken in a preheated oven for about an hour then nothing else but just to smell the transformation of the smell of the house as the cooking progresses. Orange and fennel are great ingredients that I love cooking with because they give incredible aromas and flavors. With this chicken you will smell and taste what I am speaking about. I hope you all had a memorable Sunday too!

To get this Roasted Whole Chicken with Oranges, Fennel and Olives recipe, go to She Knows, a site where I create recipes. Check out my Profile Page there if you want to check out more of my recipes.

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