Mini Breakfast Burritos with Chorizo and Feta Cheese

Just like last year's Thanksgiving, I created some recipes for this special occasion for the site of Thanksgiving. When I was assigned to create something for breakfast, so many ideas were crossing my mind but then, I had to stick to something simple, light  and easy to put together because the whole day would be dedicated to cooking an abundance of food for the family. Thanksgiving is the time when everyone takes out their best recipes and cooking skills because it is one of the important moments when the families stay together.

So my take on breakfast is something different from the usual flavors of Thanksgiving spreads. The main ingredient, chorizo and feta cheese along with eggs, tomatoes and onions are used as fillings to soft tortillas. Pack them up into mini burritos held tightly with chives or serve all the ingredients in bowls for everyone to create their own burritos. It's a delicious breakfast idea that doesn't require so much effort and time to prepare. This recipe goes perfectly well at anytime day of the year because the ingredients are not limited to any season being easily available anytime.

For the full recipe of the Mini Breakfast Burritos with Chorizo and Feta Cheese, you can get it at Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy them!

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