Skillet Red Beans, Turkey Meatballs and Rice

When you want to eat healthy food, the flavors don't have to be curtailed to the point of eating something that tastes like a cardboard box. That's what I have always thought when I was growing up watching my Mom "suffer" with the tastes of her food as she endured her endless slimming diets from one nutritionist to another. She was always determined in losing her extra pounds, to almost no avail unfortunately because as soon as she loses them, she gains them back immediately. Her food was always bland and unexciting.

Then I grew up and I had to learn about the ABCs of nutrition as I had to feed my kids. Living in a health-obsessed country, I realized that I had to change my eating habits too because I had to be a good example to my kids. Reprogramming everything I knew about food & nutrition, and going for quality ingredients gave me a whole new perspective in eating. Good food doesn't have to be bland and unexciting after all. On the contrary, healthy food can even be more appetizing tenfold than bad food.

As my 10-year old son was explaining to me the food pyramid that they discussed in school the other day, we deliberated about the proper balancing of food at home. The pyramid has always been fundamental in my cooking because when I learned it in school when I was the same age, it remained embedded in me. This Skillet Red Beans, Turkey Meatballs and Rice is quite balanced with the presence of grains, lean meat and vegetables. You also get loads of protein from the turkey and the beans, carbohydrates from the rice and vitamin C from the bell pepper. Aside from these main three nutrients, there are others that you can pick up too. This is quite a delicious fare to serve for the whole family so do keep this recipe in mind for your next meal. 

To get the full recipe of this Skillet Red Beans, Turkey Meatballs and Rice, get it at Skinny Ms., a site dedicated to healthy living where I create recipes. To see more of my recipes, go to my Profile Page there. Again, enjoy your week!

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