Chicken and Broccoli Stir-Fry
it about time you stop making trips to the neighborhood Asian restaurant
for takeout and make your own Asian dinner at home? In less than
half an hour, I can assure you, you will have a Chicken and Broccoli
Stir-Fry like this on your table ready for dinner. And that includes the
rice too! It's packed with protein from the lean chicken and
different kinds of nutrients especially vitamins C and K from the
broccoli florets. And when you eat it with rice (like most Asian
dishes anyway), you add a good amount of carbs in your diet too. And
the most important thing? You can say that you cooked it yourself with
the ingredients you chose. Now is the best time to take control of what
ends up on your table with really simple food that's good for your
Having two cultures in my house, I am very flexible on what I cook for my family.
Sometimes it's purely Italian, which I have to admit is more
predominant in my family's food choices, or at times, I do Asian meals
when that craving for something familiar gets to me. There are not so
many Asian dishes I can freely cook for my family but when it has soy
sauce and chicken, then it's well accepted. The vegetables can vary, depending on what I have and for this dish, it's broccoli which matches perfectly with the meat.
This is an Asian recipe that always work well with different kinds of taste buds. For the full recipe of this Chicken and Broccoli Stir-Fry, you can get it at Skinny Ms., a site dedicated to healthy living with healthy recipes. For more of my recipes there, click on my Profile Page there. Enjoy!