Ristorante Chinappi in Rome, Italy

Like what springs out from the soil, the bounties of the sea also have their own seasons. Choosing the right seafood at the right moment is beneficial to the balance of nature but most especially, we get them at the pinnacle of their quality. At Ristorante Chinappi, proprietor Stefano Chinappi assures his diners of the excellence of the ingredients used in the kitchen of Chef Federico Delmonte. From the sea to the kitchen, there's still more to learn behind this restaurant which has a long history of supremacy in seafood dining.

Ristorante Chinappi has a 60-year old story to tell. The name is an icon in the Tyrrhenean coastal town of Formia where Stefano's family is deeply rooted. The Ristorante Chinappi Formia was opened in 1987 by Stefano's grandparents, Antonio and Vincenza. It was then passed to their son Franco, a pizzamaker and his wife Anna. As the years passed, their son Stefano, a sommelier, took over the reins with the help of his cousin Michele, along with their respective wives, Elena and Angela. Later on, he moved to Rome and opened another Ristorante Chinnapi in 2006 in Piazza Barberini, at the heart of the capital,  but soon after, in 2010, he transferred to a more tranquil spot in Rome where the restaurant is currently located. The history of the Chinappi family in the restaurant business doesn't stop there because both of Stefano's sons are also active in helping out in running their restaurant.

Chef Federico Delmonte instead joined Ristorante Chinappi last May 2016. After gaining experiences in Michelin-starred restaurants in London then back to Italy like Zafferano of London, Enoteca Pinchiorri of Florence, Il Pagliaccio of Rome, and Magnolia of Cesenatico. Hailing from Le Marche, the other seaside part of Italy where the Adriatic Sea awards him with fresh ingredients, his kitchen has even gained more importance as he acquaints himself to the harvests of the Tyrrhenean side. The fundamental thing is, Federico knows his seafood ingredients very well and creates exemplary innovative and traditional dishes using only the fresh harvests and this is what makes Ristorante Chinappi an excellent base to explore seafood dining in Rome.

In November 2016, Federico and Stefano launched The Fish Calendar (Il Calendario del Pesce) which celebrates seafood dishes following their respective seasons. Following The Fish Calendar, at the beginning of each month, the restaurant holds a themed-dinner featuring one kind of seafood of the season. The themed-dinners are held on Thursday nights once a month starting at 21:00. These dishes are still available for a week after the introductory themed-dinner and can be freely chosen as singular dishes in addition to the choices in the regular menu.

The 12 Dinners in the Fish Calendar:

10 November: Polpo Verace (Octopus)
15 December: Il Pesce Bianco (White Fish) 
19 January: Sparnocchie (Mantis Shrimp)
9 February: Il Baccalà (Codfish)
6 April: Le Mazzancolle (Striped Prawns)
11 May: Le Seppie (Cuttlefish)
8 June: Frutti di Mare (Seafood)
13 July: Pesce Spada (Swordfish) 
10 August: Triglie (Mullet)
14 September: Tonno (Tuna)
12 October: La Zuppa di Pesce Spinata (Boneless Fish Soup)

I had the pleasure of having a preview tasting the full menu for this month, The Sogliola (Sole), paired with different Verdicchio wines that will be showcased on Thursday, 9 March. It had been a splendid evening of original creations of Chef Federico Delmonte paired with Stefano's well-chosen Verdicchio wines that complemented the dishes perfectly. You can book a table straight at restaurant.

In addition to the menu, the Black Rice with Fifth Quarter of the Cuttlefish, a contemporary entry in the fixed menu, was also prepared by the chef for tasting. It's a surprising dish of incredible aromas and flavors. It is always available in the alla carte menù. Be sure to order it if you love exciting new flavors!

Razza al Vapore, Asparagi e Purea di Nocciole Tostate
(Steamed Skate, Asparagus and Purèe of Toasted Hazelnuts)

San Pietro Fritto, Topinambur, Spinaci Croccanti e Maionese al Frutto della Passione
(Fried Dory Fish, Jerusalem Artichoke, Crispy Baby Spinach and Passionfruit Mayonnaise)

Sogliola alla "Chinappi"
(Sole alla "Chinappi")

Tortelli di Rombo, Crema di Patate Arrosto e Ristretto di Sugo di Rombo
(Turbot Tortelli, Cream of Roasted Potatoes and Reduced Turbot Sauce)

Riso Nero, Quinto Quarto di Seppia
(Black Rice, Fifth Quater of Cutlefish) 
This is not a part of the Il Sogliola (Sole) dinner menu on 9 March, however it is available in the alla cartè menu.

Cremino al Limone, Mango e Liquirizia
(Lemon Cream, Mango and Liquorice)

Il pesce dei nostri piatti arriva dalla pescheria di famiglia di Formia. Io sono un uomo di acqua salata, sono cresciuto con i piedi a mollo, so cosa il mare può offrire in determinati periodi dell’anno e mi piace quindi far conoscere e spiegare queste peculiarità della natura anche ai miei clienti. Loro devono sapere da dove arriva quello che stanno mangiando.
-Stefano Chinappi 
The fish of our dishes comes from the family fishmonger in Formia. I'm a saltwater man, I grew up with my feet wet, I know what the sea can offer in certain periods of the year and I love to explain these peculiarities of nature to my clients. They need to know where the food that they are eating is coming from.
  -Translated to English


Ristorante Chinappi

Via Valenziani, 19
00187 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 064819005 / +39 360615219
Email: chinappi@chinappi.it
Open everyday for lunch and dinner

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