Burger Bar & Grill in Rome, Italy

Italy meets America on the table. Most often, Italy plays protagonist on the Italian tables, but this time, in Rome itself, we get to try what the Americans favor on their table. Grilled meat sits very well with the Italian palate as well as burgers (with selected quality meat), potatoes and salads too. There’s no other way to best enjoy the succulence and tenderness of freshly-grilled meat than what the restaurant offers. What makes Burger Bar & Grill stand out is that you can grill your own meat straight on your tables with the built-in individual table grills.

Burger Bar & Grill opened its doors at Via dei Filippini, near Piazza della Chiesa Nuova in Rome as a result of the collaboration between a group of friends, Paolo Venturini, Cristiano Rossi, Adriana De Martino, Mara Scaramuzzo and Andrea Meo, who share a passion for good food and the intention to develop an Italian format with American influences.

Already the proprietor of  Burger Bar Cargo in Salerno and Avellino (Campania), in the southern part of Italy, Cristiano, along with his partners in Rome, want to develop the existing format of the Campania restaurants and to create a real steak house in the capital but spotlighting more on the grill and the “borsa della carne or meat exchange”.  For lack of direct translation, it means that the price of the meat varies daily based on the types of meat that they find at the market. Cristiano explains, For example if one day we buy a large quantity of a breed, because there is a greater stock in the market, we lower the price to the customers. So, our customers can find different breeds at different prices. These are all marked at the large blackboard found on top of the meat counter at the entrance of the restaurant.

With 180 square meters of space and 65 seats, Burger Bar & Grill is located on two floors, one on street level and the other one is found on the lower ground. The ground level opens up to a bar area at the entrance and a couple of grill rooms furnished with counters and grills, created primarily with ironwork, by artist Bruno Viviani, wood and leather. This gives the restaurant an industrial and modern American-inspired style. On the lower level, the style changes and modernity gives way to history. The room is smaller, built with exposed brick that housed an ancient Roman historical find.

Burger Bar & Grill is open from breakfast until dinner with gastronomic offers that meet the needs of both Italian and foreign palates. The menu is international with American influences without losing sight of the genuineness and quality of many Italian products.

In the morning, the proposals are both Italian and international for breakfast with coffee, cakes, croissants, small pastries, pancakes, Belgian waffles, eggs benedict, French toast, yogurt parfait, granola and omelette. There is also an availability of aromatic waters suitable for various needs (slimming, invigorating, detoxifying and draining). On Sundays, brunch is also offered with a more ample menu of bagels, quiche, omelettes, waffles, sandwiches and toasts.

For lunch, the menu proposals are grilled fish and meat burgers, salads and sandwiches. The day then continues with cocktails and dinner with an abundance of possibilities to enjoy grilled meat. There is the option to customize the sandwich for both lunch and dinner with countless combinations. The same thing goes to assembling the salads and bowls of soup. A must try is also their spit roast of your choice of meat. For grilling the meat, there is the choice between cooking it yourself on the grill table or handing over the grilling job to the resident chefs Gianluca De Simone and Vincenzo Grillo.

Start the meal with their appetizers of onion rings, jalapeno nuggets, hot chicken bamboo strips, jacket potato, platters of cheese and salumi, and cacio e pepe potato chips. For dinner grilling, different kinds of meat and cuts are available like pork, beef, and chicken, as well as fish and seasonal vegetables. And of course, a variety of cakes made daily by pastry shops from Rome and Campania await the ones who want to end their meals well with a touch of sweetness.

Burger Bar & Grill

Via dei Filippini, 4
0186 Rome (RM), Italy

Tel: +39 06 688 08 051 and +39 334 5803421

Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays: 8:00 to 24:00 / Saturdays to Sundays: 8:00 to 01:00


March 2019: Burger Bar & Grill is permanently closed.

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