Osteria di Birra del Borgo on the Beach at La Scialuppa da Salvatore in Fregene

June 21st marked the first of a series of nights of Osteria di Birra del Borgo on the Beach at La Scialuppa da Salvatore Restaurant in Fregene. Starting at 18:30, aperitif is served at the kiosk fronting the water where blankets are spread out on the sand for a laid-back cocktail experience as the sun suffuses the sky and sea with orange tones. It's one of the best ways to savour summer!

With the grill on the beach, Pizza Chef Luca Pezzetta of Osteria di Birra del Borgo and Chef Fabio Di Vilio of La Scialuppa da Salvatore create together their pizzas filled with grilled seafood. The pizzas in the menu (€15 - 18) for the night were: Antifocaccia with Grilled Squid alla Luciana (€15), Antifocaccia with Seawater and Seeds Filled with Grilled Octopus, Octopus Mayonnaise, Guanciale and Chard (€18), Pizza Schiacciata in Baking Tin with Caponata, Marinated Barracuda and Grilled Onion Powder (€15). Italian Lager, Blanche, and American Pale Ale in draft (€5) accompany the pizzas.

La Scialuppa da Salvatore

Via Silvi Marina, 70
00054 Fregene (RM), Italy
Tel: +39 06 66560002
Website: http://www.stabilimentolascialuppa.it/fregene/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Restaurant/La-Scialuppa-Da-Salvatore-293723977310915/
Open daily for lunch and dinner

Osteria di Birra del Borgo

Via Silla, 26
00192 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 83762316
Email: osteria@birradelborgo.it
Website: https://osteria.birradelborgo.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Osteria.BirraDelBorgo/
Open daily for lunch and dinner 

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