I Migliori Vini Italiani of Luca Maroni 2020 in Rome, Italy

The 21st Edition of I Migliori Vini Italiani (The Best Italian Wines) of Luca Maroni, held between 13 to 16 February 2020 in Salone Delle Fontane - EUR in Rome concluded with another huge success. More than 5,000 visitors attended, visiting the stands of the 140 producers with more than 800 labels available for tasting. The selected best Italian wines by Luca Maroni are decreed in his 29th edition of the Annuario dei Migliori Vini Italiani (Yearbook of the Best Italian Wines).

Francesca Maroni and Luca Maroni

Luca Maroni, a well-known sensory wine analyst, utilizes a unique approach to his evaluation of wines called the Sensorial and Synesthetic Wheel. The wines were tested according to his evaluating method of a series of sensory analysis that are based on three principles – Consistency, Balance and Integrity of the wines. The quality of the wine is expressed with a vote of 100 which is equivalent to the Indice di Piacevolezza or Index of Pleasantness (IP). Ninety-nine (99) is the highest score that can be attained because one hundred (100) cannot be assigned to any wine because the perfect wine score goes towards infinity. 

IP 99 (Maximum) = Consistency 33 + Balance 33 + Integrity 33. 

For the year 2020, he crowned the 22 best Italian wines which the visitors were able to taste in the four-day event. 

The wine labels that garnered 99 Points (Consistency 33 + Balance 33 + Integrity 33) based on the sensory analysis of Luca Maroni were:

1. Poggio Le Volpi Roma DOC Rosso Limited Edition 2016

2. Di Leonardo Vineyards Thanks 2018

3. Montecappone Tabano Bianco 2018

4. Tenuta Ulisse Rosè Merlot 2018

5. Bellicoso Merum Barbera 2017

6. Roberto Sarotto Barbera D'Alba Elena La Luna 2017

7. Cantine Romagnoli Caravaggio Rosso 2017

8. Ravazzi Vini Di Toscana Prezioso 2016

9. Gran Maestro Italiano Governo All'Uso Toscano 2017

10. Terrescure Lotto Unico Governo Uso Toscano IGT 2016

11. Lornano Commendator Enrico 2015

12. Farnese - Fantini Edizione 17 Cinque Autoctoni 

13. Jasci & Marchesani Janù Montepulciano D'Abruzzo 2016

14. Velenosi Querciantica Lacrima Di Morro Superiore 2018

15. Federici Roma Rosso Collezione Privata 2018

16. Nativ Eremo San Quirico Irpinia Campi Taurasini DOC 2016

17. Masseria Frattasi Kapnios 2016

18. Schenk Italian Wineries Masso Antico Primitivo Appassito 2018

19. Bollina Cosmo Rosso Terre Siciliane 2018

20. Colomba Bianca Quarantanni Rosso Riserva 2017

21. Cottanera Sole Di Sesta 2016

22. Donnafugata Ben Ryé 2017

Luca Maroni drew attention to the state of the splendid form of the Italian wine industry, the protagonist of the best productions of the past 40 years, and exalted the oenological work of the wine producers who have reached the highest levels. "The 2019 vintage was of great quality, although not very abundant in quantity. The wines present in the yearbook 2020 are the wines of 2018 and 2017 wines of exceptional quality, in particular the reds of 2017, the best since 1985. The wines in the recent years are assuming more qualitative intrinsic value, with grapes always richer and always better oenologically transformed by the producers. The key word is: perfume, perfume, perfume! You drink more with the nose, because the aromas and scents make the difference that take on an almost palpable consistency, " according to Maroni.

But the main protagonists of the whole event were obviously the wine producers who recounted the stories and techniques of their wine production. "I have followed many producers constantly," says Luca Maroni, "and I was happy to see that many have made great investments and studies to produce better and better wines. I found myself complimenting them for the remarkable work they did. They created products of great value that I had the pleasure of commenting and evaluating. But the best thing was their enthusiasm , which grows more every year."

I Migliori Vini Italiani di Luca Maroni

13 to 16 February 2020

Salone delle Fontane
Via Ciro Il Grande, 10 - 12

00144 Rome, Italy

Email: organizzazione@lucamaroni.com

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