Settimana delle Birre Artigianali 2020 in Italy: An Event Dedicated to Craft Beers

The tenth edition of La Settimana della Birra Artigianale (Craft Beer Week), transpiring between 2 to 8 March 2020 all over Italy, has grown to a registry of 546 members from 311 craft beer brewery members in its creation in 2010. 

This largest event dedicated to craft beer was created by Andrea Turco, founder of Cronache di Birra, a highly popular blogzine that offeres a daily window to the world of Italian craft beers. The ten-year annual celebration has seen a stable growth of interest of production and consumption among thousands of passionate beer lovers all over the country which highlight the quality beer products of independent craft breweries. Along with Turco is Salvatore Cosenza, one of the founding members and teacher of the Unione Degustatori Birre (Union of Beer Tasters) and writer about beer, food and restaurants for various sites and guides in Italy, and curator of the page Lieviti Digitali where he posts his collections of all his articles and activities.

The whole week has a rich program of tastings, dinners with pairings, meetings with brewers, visits to breweries, presentations of new beers, festivals and much more, which are spread out in different regions of Italy. Information is found in this link:

Like with the previous editions of La Settimana della Birra Artigianale, it was preceded by the Ballo delle Debuttanti (Debutante Ball), the launching event that previews the new beers of different Italian breweries which is a part of the Festa delle Birre Artigianali di Eataly (Festival of Artisan Beers of Eataly) in Rome from 28 February to 2 March 2020.

At the Ballo delle Debuttanti, 18 new beers from all over Italy were presented which gave a glimpse of the new trends in the Italian brewing scene. Despite the tight competition during the past decade, Italy has seen a stabilized growth in  numbers and quality which pegs an important spot for them in the world of brewery. The new trend of craft beers in Italy is the dedication of breweries in creating a line of gluten-free options and  production of different fermentation styles, especially low fermentation beers which is characterized by adding Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis yeasts to the malt, giving refreshing flavor and pronounced taste of hops. More brewers are aiming to obtain beers with clean aromas which are more appreciated by a wider scope of beer lovers.

La Settimana della Birra Artigianale




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