Io Vino 2023: A Wine Selection from the Autochthonous Vines of Campania and Marche

Io Vino, a full day event of showcasing wines obtained from autochthonous grape varieties of the Italian regions of Campania and Marche, was held on the 12th of March at the TH Carpegna Palace (Via Aurelia 481) in Rome. The year 2023 was its sixth edition.

Manilo Frattari, a great wine lover, created Io Vino along with his wife Romina Lombardi, who in each edition offer novelties, draw attention to producers and their products and give insights into less-known vines typical of these two regions. The format is organized with all day walk-around tastings with the producers pouring the wine and a number of in-depth themed seminars on wines.

Often asked why his choice of regions, Campania and Marche never changed in all the six editions of Io Vino, Manilo states that in his opinion, these two regions always have a lot be discovered and to tell, starting from the passion of the producers who put importance in their presence at the event and the new generation of winemakers who are going through the difficulties with sweat and encounter satisfactory results in their work. “They are territories that we particularly love and of which we discover new things every year through an increasingly rich and profound investigation,” concludes Manilo.

The Masterclasses

This year’s masterclasses were focused on two indigenous vines of Campania and Marche: Coda di Volpe and Bianchello del Metauro of Marche. The Masterclass of Bianchello del Metauro. Il Vino che Sconfisse le Truppe Cartaginesi alla Prova dei Tempi Moderni (Bianchello del Metauro, the Wine that Defeated the Carthaginian Troops put to the Test of Modern Times) was conducted by Pierpaolo Rastelli, regional manager of Gambero Rosso. While Le strade Alternative del Bianco Campano: Code a Tratti (The Alternative Roads of Campania White Wine: “Code” at Times) was conducted by Alessio Pietrobattista, journalist and curator for the Slow Wine Lazio guide.

Io Vino




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