Ricci il Salumeria dal 1910: More Than 100 Years of Quality Italian Gastronomy Opens Across the Pantheon

We all think the same way - most often than not, we distance ourselves from the heavy tourist-trodden areas to look for a qualitative and reasonably-priced restaurant. Don't you? Ricci il Salumeria dal 1910 defies that typical line of thought for two good reasons. Ricci il Salumeria dal 1910 has been open in Rome for 110 years in highlighting the excellence of Italian gastronomy and in addition to their historical place in Largo di Vigna Stelluti, they opened a new one in Piazza della Rotonda right across one of the most beautiful historical monuments of Rome, the Pantheon.

Here, they offer quality gastronomy and a refined restaurant, with a cuisine created by a young talented chef, Fiorella Pasqualini. The dishes convey the gastronomic excellences of Italy with refined and clear expressions in the palate. At the new location, Chef Fiorella has found the stimulus of her job - to demonstrate that even in the heart of Rome where tourists abound, it is possible to find a kitchen of the highest quality and to let the tourists discover the premium Made in Italy materials in authentic dishes.

Opened in the Borgo Pio district of Rome in 1910, Ricci il Salumiere is a delicatessen that has started to specialize in the excellence of Italian gastronomy for more than a century. It had stood out starting from its early stage because of the great gastronomic excellences present in the shop which, in addition to the regional and national products, also boasted a well-selected French cheeses which was a rarity at that time. In 1955 they transferred to its present location at Largo di Vigna Stelluti and in 2018, the brand was acquired by the Ricci Group with a view to expanding it. Ricci is not only a quality shop but it is also a place to live in with an all day long concept, from breakfast to dinner.

At the helm of the kitchen is Chef Fiorella Pasqualini, who is a daughter of restaurateurs. Initially, she went to medicine school but eventually, she understood that her true passion was cooking with a clear focus on good Italian cuisine. She loves to bring her childhood memories into her dishes, aromas and flavors that rekindle the past. Her professional experiences has shaped her techniques such as the work in Provence, France, the one alongside Francesco Apredo in his Michelin-starred restaurant, and more significantly, at Piano Strada where her professionality evolved.

At Ricci il Salumiere, the menu is a clear expression of classic Italian cuisine. It starts with the Appetizers (€8 to €24) from the simplest Bruschetta with 3 Kinds of Fresh Tomatoes and Basil (€8) to the Beetroot Marinated Salmon with Gucamole, Cream of Goat Cheese and Sweet & Sour Onions (€24). If in season, don't miss the Gazpacho of Yellow Datterini and Melon with Red Tuna Tartare! The First Dishes of pasta and risotto (€12 to €24) range from Spaghetti with Garlic, Oil & Chili (€12) to a more elaborate Risotto ai Frutti di Mare (€24). Do try the Mancini Rigatoni Pasta with Aubergines, Salted Ricotta Cheese and Fresh Basil. The proposals for the Main Courses (€15 to €30) vary from fish to different kinds of meat like the Roast Beef with Green Beans, Strawberries and Datterini Tomatoes (€30) of the Meatballs on Tomatoes (€15). The Desserts (€7 to €12) are more traditional like the Profiterol with Chantilly Cream or the Millefoglie from Cavalletti with Wild Strawberries. Traditional pizzas (€12 to €15) and salads (€12 to €18) are also available for simpler meals. Don't miss the platters of high quality cured meat, cured fish and cheese from trusted producers of Ricci il Salumeria (average €30).

Ricci il Salumeria dal 1910

Address: Piazza della Rotonda, 6 - 00186 Rome, Italy

Tel: +39 06 42986448

Website: https://www.riccisalumiere1910.it/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riccivignastelluti


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